I’m really awful at spelling, or pronouncing words I’ve read but haven’t heard before. I’m not dyslexic so I thought I was just weirdly bad at spelling. Then I started learning Spanish and it turns out I can spell just fine - English is the problem, not me.
How can someone with that much money look like such a dork?
You consider 6-8 seconds a “little” slow?!
Please let this be true because it’s fucking hilarious!
Just a reminder (yet again) that the world is bigger than the US. I live in the UK, we don’t water our lawns here. Grass will grow literally anywhere with no human involvement. Letting your lawn grow a little longer is great for wildlife - the bees love the clover! In you live in the countryside get a sheep/cow/goat/donkey/llama and you’ll feed livestock without having to mow it either.
That said, fuck leaf blowers. There is absolutely no need for that noise.
I’m in the UK so didn’t see the last one but during the previous one I found looking around at the darkness and observing how all the birds went quiet was a bigger deal than the actual eclipse of the sun. I mean that was still really cool, but the dark and stillness was uncanny.
No problem! I’ve got to do a big clear out soon so expect dozens of photos of incomplete projects across a variety of crafts soon. Lucky you(!)
The free pattern is here if anyone else would like to start and abandon another project!
And this might break the rules, but here’s one I did manage to finish!
Number 1 of my ~200 unfinished projects. I could spam the shit out of your new community! Also I vote for the name c/UnfinishedProje
Yeah, I thought the same when I wrote the comment. I’ve read a bit more about him and what he was charged with. In the UK he wasn’t convicted of grooming - they prosecuted him for it but he was found not guilty. I think it was a consensual relationship, but of course a 19 year old having sex with a 12 year old is rape regardless of consent in the UK and he was (rightly) convicted of that. In the Netherlands however the law is different, it wasn’t considered rape but something like “morally offensive actions”. So from the Dutch pov he’s not actually a rapist, which might explain why the Dutch Olympic committee don’t seem to think it’s that big a deal. Despite that, I still think a convicted pedophile rapist should not be allowed to compete in the games, but that needs to be made clear in the eligibility requirements by the IOC, rather than the wishy-washy “role model” contract.
All Olympic athletes sign a declaration saying they’ll strive to be a role model or something similar. I’d say a convicted rapist shouldn’t be considered a role model and therefore shouldn’t be allowed to compete.
I genuinely thought this was a joke, fake or satire.