Uhhhh sorry I'm still going to vote against fascism.
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You're voting for polite fascism to stop rude fascism.
Biden isn't a fascist and you're an idiot if you think so.
There's a lot more to fascism than you just not liking him.
He's doing genocide.
Netanyahu is doing genocide.
And J'Biden is giving him unlimited bombs and bullets and tank shells to make it possible.
He's also protecting Israel from retaliation from its neighbors and other regional powers.
The genocide would end without US support. You are voting for genocide and I won't let you wash your hands of this.
the genocide would not stop without US support… it has been ongoing with and without their support for quite a while….
really, when they’re low on bombs they start just burning buildings….
see also, the history of the Palestine-Israel conflict:
Without US support the bombing would stop, but more importantly, all of Israel's neighborhoods would be empowered to step in.
The US attacks the Houthis to protect Israel's economy. What happens if the US declares they will no longer protect Israel?
You think the moniker Genocide Joe is just a jab? You really think Joe Biden isn't fully complicit?
You're an absolutely perfect shitlib specimen.
You think the moniker Genocide Joe is just a jab?
yes, also it’s stupid.
You really think Joe Biden isn't fully complicit?
he is fully complicit.
you really think it was biden doing all of this for the better part of the last century? he can’t stop it… but he could definitely stop supporting it….
WTF? This is a horrible comic. Republicans in Congress are the ones preventing literally all those things from improving...
Each panels requires one to be clueless about politics outside of the right wing bubble. Every single issue has at last one example of Democrats taking action to address the issue.
In what reality are you living in which democrats didn't further fund and militarize police?
Bruh I got bad news for you if you think trump is going to do anything but help himself.
Who is biden helping
ITT liberals(mainstream right wingers) model the behavior illustrated in the comic
And the alternative is? ...Trump?
After 3 years, people still don't understand what he really means for ""AMERICAN"" when he says America First. Spoiler allert: You're not included.
Claudia de la Cruz from PSL
anybody but the two ghouls would be preferrable, but we all know the entire system is broken.. you can't vote fascism out
Since you can’t, just vote with your values then; otherwise, one is just making excuses to vote for capital.