NTA, he's being unreasonable. It's normal and healthy for you both to move on.
Am I the Asshole?
Post about true events in your life where you ask the question “Am I the asshole in this situation?”
You said that you wanted to move out and he threatened you. He’s obviously not going to agree to what you want which would mean that he automatically gets what he wants.
That’s not fair or reasonable.
NTA. Might want to consider getting a lawyer.
You two are divorced. In fact it would be usual that everyone lives separate. The easy thing to do is: don’t tell until everything is fixed. He keeps living where you currently are, you find a place nearby (which is a courtesy, actually). Nearby for the kids, that they can visit you both without much struggle, but separate for your well-being.
NTA. He ended the relationship, you have no obligation to stay with him. It may be wise for you to start handling the legal aspects of this if you haven't already. Get a lawyer and make some formal custody agreements would be a good start if you haven't.
husband unilaterally ended our relationship
At this point, I don't think you owe him anything. Move out with a clear conscience.