Same experience, Vo2 seems to stay the same or go down when I exercise more lol
Everything Garmin.
I feel you. I've been ramping up my training the past 2 months for some trail races. Pushing mileage, HR training, heat acclimatization, speed and slope work, just to see my VO2 max dropping off.
I can even see clear data that shows my interval splits are faster, at a lower HR and effort. What gives?
I wish I could just not look at that stupid number. (If only Garmin can give me another number to look at) because I'm now just a number chasing addict, and I need some other other to go for
And also, if Garmin could tell me how to calculate VO2 max, so I can hack it, would be great too.
Lol I wish I could just ignore it too!! I think I may try to find a flat 400M track somewhere nearby and do a 20 minute workout there to see if I can get a somewhat accurate measurement. But honestly I think I’m just going to give up on this metric and focus on my heart rate stats!