First of all, I'm sorry that I'm taking so long to write the second part of the Gigapost about Brazil. Good news is: I just finished it , all I have to do now is translate it to english, so I might post it here tomorrow or even today.
The second (and third) part is all about Imperialism, which is probably what interest non-brazilians the most.
If you are from the imperial core, you must understand it to oppose it domestically.
If you are from the third world, you must understand it because they have striking similarities and it should be easier for you to recognize it.
Although I mainly focus about US imperialism in Brazil in the 2000' there is a big and very important part about brazilian imperialism in other latin american countries. I know it may sound weird, specially since Brazil is not part of the imperial core but yes, brazilian imperialism does exist and has existed a while, even though compared to US or France it's weak. The example I use in the text is of MINUSTAH, that UN occupation of Haiti led by US, France and ... Brazil
Anyway, because it is not in the imperial core it may seen absurd to suggest that a third world country is imperialist, but it is not. Brazil has it's own national bourgeoisie and financial oligarchy, that wants to export capital to other countries. This is the basis for imperialism. But Brazil is dependent on the US and suffers with it's imperialism too, but the national bourgeoisie associates themselves with the international bourgeoisie (American/French/etc) in the exploitation of the workers of their own countries and in the exploitation of workers other countries. This way, brazilian imperialism acts as a "vector" to american imperialism in Latin america.
Pic related, Fascist fucker Augusto Heleno confronting a supporter of the ex-president Aristide