Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc.
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A feminist masterpiece.
Crushing the Bechdel test!
Technically passes the bechdel test
At least they don’t talk about men
Technically passes the Bechdel test
There are, technically, more scenes where two female characters interact but
this made me laugh lol
Yeah they forgot about the scene where the mom put the kids on the horse in Two Towers! I think that's it though.
One of many reasons why I completely agree with the decision to swap out Glorfindel for Arwen. Disappointed not to see him but I get it and agree.
Absolutely brutal.
Isn't there also the scene when the mom puts them on the horse?
How can he say that? Legolas is like right there.
It took me an awfully long time to realise that Legolas was played by Orlando Bloom, that Bloom was the name of that guy from Pirates of the Caribbean, and that that guy and Legolas were the same. In my defence I was around toddler age when the LotR films came out. It must have been a great time having LotR and Harry Potter plus other fantasy being put out.
It was an amazing time. I miss those days, as all do who live through such times.
The 2000s were a pretty great era for film and tv. LOTR and HP as you said, plus the first couple of Spider-Man movies with Toby McGuire, X Men, and the Star Wars prequels were very exciting, albeit disappointing. TV was great then with Lost, Jack Bauer, and House in full stride. And the Matrix! Holy fucking shit man, you'll never understand being in the theater opening weekend and seeing Trinity beat up those cops with bullet timing for the first time. Whole theater lost its shit, we'd never seen anything like it.
I feel like that was the end of the era where there were some core anchor shows and movies that EVERYONE saw. Now there's just so much content on so many platforms, and big budget movies and tv shows are intentionally bad (google fan baiting) so the culture is changing. Who knows where it'll go from here.
I'm hearing a lot about cancellations. The growth of AI doesn't bode well for quality. But I'm hoping the pay-dispute is settled favourably between workers and companies.
Did you hear about the Eragon series that's supposed to be due? It was confirmed some time ago.
Love me some xkcd
"Why are there no women or children in this band of medieval warriors? Social and societal division of labour, what's that?"
The idea that female medieval warriors only exist in fantasy is made up by misogynists to gate keep female representation.
Here is a list of named women that participated in battle. Keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg given the erasure of women in history
Joan of Arc Eleanor of Aquitaine Æthelflæd Artemisia I of Caria Zenobia Matilda of Tuscany Margaret of Anjou Tomoe Gozen Grace O'Malley Isabella I of Castile Fu Hao Teuta Joanna of Flanders Lozen Jeanne Hachette Caterina Sforza Khawla bint al-Azwar Lagertha Sikelgaita Mavia Dihya Isabella of France
LOTR is not set in the medieval period. Its a made up era with made up cultures and made up magic. And if you're going to get all Thermian argument about it, LOTR lore has many female warriors.
Okay, thank you.
What does Thermian mean again?
There is an app called Easy XKCD on the play store and it's a great XKCD reader. I just pulled this up on there to show my gf. I love it so much lol.
Do you hide your lemmy or social media from your gf lol?
No? It's just easier to share that way and it includes bottom text. She doesn't care about using lemmy. She didn't like Reddit either.