23/hr at full time work (40 hrs/week) is $920/week.
Let's assume that 15% is taken out of each paycheck for taxes and withholdings and such, which leaves $782.
A typical month has 4 weeks, so $3128/month.
Stated expenses are $850+$1000+$400 totaling $2250
bruh, if you're not making it with that kind of money, you need to take a serious look at your finances and cut back on things you don't need.
EDIT: I'm not replying to everyone.
There are several expenses that would be expected that were not covered. Those should easily fit inside the $878 monthly fund. I'm not going to go through item by item because they weren't mentioned by OP and everyone will have a different list. The things I'd put on the list absolutely fit, with plenty to spare.
The tax rate is based on my personal experience of being poor in Texas. This was a bit of an asspull, but I did math last year that determined I was losing 13% of my paycheck to taxes and withholdings, and I make a bit less than OP so I bumped it up a couple percent. Texas does not have state income tax, so if that number sounds low that's probably why.
Ultimately, I stand by what I said.