It's called ADULTry not CHILDry. What's the problem?
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Every religion is the same for this thing. I don't understand why. Here many priests from different religions got caught for abusing children.
When morality is assumed, it doesn't have to actually be practised.
You don't have to be religious to be a pedo. 🤷♂️
Yeah, but they're real good at it.
No but using their religious mental gymnastic help them think they do nothing wrong
With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.
- Steven Weinberg
Yet the second largest religion in the world was founded by and idolizes a child rapist
I'm just saying that any structure of power attract sick piece shit into it. Ofk you may say the the fact that any religion have so much power is a problem per se.
if this is with underage children just imagine how it is with adult children
No adult yes child.
Look I know...I know how this sounds, but TECHNICALLY (not saying it's okay) BUT technically if you fuck a kid and neither of you are married, that's not adultery.
According to the Abrahamic religions, girls are of marriage age once they develop breasts, pubic hair, and begin to menstruate. These can be as early as 9.💀