Could that monkey see my ears? I wonder to myself
Or, I wonder to myself 'could that monkey see my ears?' (maybe not ', maybe a comma? But anything is better than it imo)
Could that monkey see my ears? I wonder to myself
Or, I wonder to myself 'could that monkey see my ears?' (maybe not ', maybe a comma? But anything is better than it imo)
"will now report employees who resign or are not rehired due to suspicions of abuse"
Bet they'll never do this with cops or prison guards.
"will help us better understand and support the needs of our schools and students."
Fuck that noise, you don't get to pick and choose what children get a public education. All children should get their requirements, nutrition, mental, social and safety no matter where they come from. Of course I don't know that I'd wish the Oklahoma type of "education" on anyone's children.
Patriotism should be instilled, not mandated and taught. If you're country isn't doing enough for you to feel patriotic, why should you be required to do so?
The angry mob came when they didn't win the election 4 years ago.
Damn, no more wayner-isms.
Thanks Obama. /s
I can see you! Near the top of my feed (I believe, I'm pretty new to all this as well)
Congratulations on getting your instance up!
As a white guy, it is like that. In the same way it is in female run office spaces. But white guy culture is definitely the most toxic. They feel unashamedly deserving when they find good old boys clubs.
Having worked in a sexist office, it sucks, having worked for good old boys, it sucks. Not being able to call people out on their shit fucking sucks.
No comment on troops that risk their platoons health by refusing a fucking vaccination?? Oh wait they're getting back pay.
I was thinking of reeling in whatever cable survives the destruction after impact. It'd be easy enough to QC it after rewinding.
But yeah probably safer to abandon it
Probably pretty reusable as well
Doesn't hurt to talk to someone about it, maybe you've aged out of it, maybe it's slowly manifesting itself in a different way, there are professionals that can tell the difference.
Nobody is going to hold a young adult accountable for minor things they did as a child, especially not a psychiatrist. It's better to get checked when you have the awareness that something night not have been right, because when things are very wrong you won't have the desire to get checked.