I can't take the word "entity" seriously anymore, yet that is exactly what this thing is
A place to express your frustration
Venting is a place where Lemmy users can rant/vent about anything that is on their mind. If you are annoyed or very pissed off about something, you can talk about it here and our community will listen.
It looks like it lets you draw 1.5 cards from your deck.
I don't know either. But I know it's watching.
Ohhh, you haven't seen the Microsoft orbit captcha yet. It absolutely disgusts me.
Actually, I have.
Thank you Roblox, very cool.
AI training is getting wackier and wackier.
I'm not even sure we're training AI anymore. Word has it that AI is quicker and more accurate at solving Captchas than most humans now.
And then you failed one because you didn't understand it properly and have to start over but now it's twice as long
Neither of the chickens have a pair.
My first thought was "a pair of what? Legs, wings, eyes, caterpillar tracks?"