Good episode with Khun Aguero demonstrating what a schemer he is.
I like the fanciful floating islands, with ride service between the islands, and the characters just taking it all for granted like it happens every day there.
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Good episode with Khun Aguero demonstrating what a schemer he is.
I like the fanciful floating islands, with ride service between the islands, and the characters just taking it all for granted like it happens every day there.
Obligatory "Fuck Rachel". At least Khun is on to her.
This episode adapted S2 Ch23 to Ch26. IMO this is the best episode so far. Pacing is good with decent animation.
Anime season 1 didn't do justice about Endorisi and Bamm relationship. Manhwa season 1 pretty much hinted that Endroisi was falling for Bamm during her time with Bamm when her leg got broken after her fight with Annak. So s2 team is trying to connect the date promise as a flashback in this episode. It comes out of nowhere and could have handled better but better than nothing.
AA and Rachel are back and we get to know where season 1 old team is at. Also get to see AA new team which includes a new Khun family member, Khun Ran who is little brother of Princess Maschenny we see in episode 1. The anime delivered the vibe of Khun speech scene as in manhwa and that is the highlight of this episode.
They cut Yihwa meeting with other Yeon family members. Hwaryun repeating "pig" is also a plus for her fans.