- Ublock
- Dark Reader
- Libredirect
- augmented steam
- proton pass
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
uBlock Origin and DarkReader
Recently got into using RSS feeds, so RSSHub Radar was quite useful
Search by Image is good too
- Sponsorblock
- uBlock Origin
- I still don't care about cookies
- Augmented Steam
- BetterTTV
- YouTube Shorts Redirect
- Gumbo
- Bitwarden
These are all the extension I have installed and they are all my favourite tbh. I also have Firefox set to use strongest protection.
enhanced-h264ify prevents my PC from cooking itself when playing YT.
I may be biased, but I like Lemmy Infinite Scroller. It started out as a 20 minute project just as a proof of concept and then evolved into me trying to make an infinite scroller that works really well. It works well, I can't recall if I made it open-source but I didn't obfuscate the code or anything like that so it's practically open-source anyway even if I didn't make a repo for it. I just published the manifest v3 update of it last week so it's pretty futureproof too.
Other obvious extensions are uBlock Origin, uMatrix, and surprisingly one called Dark Background and Light Text (though Dark Reader is also cool too).
Indie wiki buddy. Fandom often times comes on top for most searches, but many games actually have their official wikis elsewhere. This extension hides fandom links for unofficial fandom wikis.
I often use:
Not on mobile, but desktop:
• Enhancer for YouTube, I like it for having the “expand” making the screen bigger also cinema mode, toggling end cards off, boost volume — you can also take screenshots.
• uBlock Origin, of course
• SponsorBlock, which is a big extension that will auto skip sponsor readouts, selfpromos, and a lot of things YouTubers often do (sponsors, self promos, interaction reminders like liking and subscribing, intermissions, intros, previews, jokes, etc - you can choose to skip them or highlight them in the videos) it’s backed by community response, anyone with the extension can set up something to skip and share with everyone. Highly recommend if you’re tired of people pausing the video to talk about raycons or manscaped lol
I thought you could only select from a pre-defined list of addons in Firefox mobile?
I think developers can upload their own addons for Android now. Or at least I saw quite a wide range of addons available when I went looking for some.
Not anymore, if you use desktop website of addons.mozilla.org, you can install almost anything.
Making a note to myself about Sponsorblock and chameleon