It's driving me crazy. What I'm doing right now is either write the url word by word in my browser or I copy the url of the lemmy post, open it in browser then open the shared link.
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At this stage it might be more convenient to read lemmy exclusively from your dedicated browser. The default device/app "webview" is inferior than many browsers to display web pages.
It is also driving me crazy. There is a GitHub issue. I advice to contribute to that to help fixing the problem :)
I'm using Jerboa on android, and external links open in my chosen default browser Duck Duck Go.
You mean the "open in browser" option that appears when you tap on three dots?
I'd expect a link I click from within lemmur to open up in my system's browser, but that doesn't happen anymore since the last update several weeks ago. Also, I haven't found an option to change that behavior.
"Sharing" a link with your browser is not only clunky, it often doesn't even work because the browser doesn't show up in the list of apps to share with (at least on my device).
Adding insult to injury, it only opens the link to Lemmy in the browser, now that I've checked 😄
Yes exactly that. I would like to open the link in my browser not lemmur's internal one.
I believe that you are a bit confused about how things work in Android.
There is no "lemmur's internal browser". At least not as far as I understand.
What you are referring might be Android's built-in browser. It opens links in any app, not just in Lemmur. Opens as in it displays a website, but when you look at your open apps, the browser is not a separate app, but instead appears to be the original app from which the link was opened.
In my case, I use Firefox Nightly, and I have it set as phone's default browser.
When I either click on a link in Lemmy, or when I use the "open in browser" option, Firefox opens up as a separate application and displays the website.
So I'm not sure what exactly you need to do in order to set up the desired functionality, but I am telling you that it can be done.
also the "open in browser" is not what you want, since you want to open "links in posts", but the open in browser thing opens the web interface for Lemmy, not the link that is in the post.
In my case where I have Bromite as a default browser it does not open links on it, rather on the say Android browser. This only happens in Lemmur. If I click link on another app, Bromite opens.
The open in links in posts works the same. I want to click the link and read them on Bromite.
Is it clearer now ?