Okay, but how many are leftists?
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As a Transfem, it's because conservatives suck (granted I despise all forms of liberalism).
Also why the hell is liberalism considered "left-wing" its center right at most.
Political education in the US and many of the countries that hold these polls is awful. I'd trust a middle-schooler from Cuba, Vietnam, or China more than an ivy-league-educated polysci graduate when it comes to political awareness.
Hey look if you start taking away white male privilege they freak out when they find out people of other races, genders and creeds are better than them, who knew?
Then why are young men being disproportionately affected? Older men are not swinging like this.
So here's the question - is the scale consistent over time? That is, do we consider the same ideas left/right wing in 202x as we did in 199x?
Let's assume it is. We're seeing men lean towards the center/right, and a lot of people are asking why. The trouble is, the answer isn't one people like to hear - in our headlong pursuit of equity, we're introducing a lot of inequality. You lift the ladies up, while you let the men climb - all based on the assumption that the women had further to climb so what you're doing is levelling the field.
Countering this is a sympathetic voice, one offering to bring back equality or offer a different kind of equity. Casting gender equity as a zero sum game, and pushing for equality aimed at the ones not being lifted up.
I often hear the "uneducated men" argument, but that's just an ugly echo from the past serving those it once oppressed in a bitter irony. The reality is that even educated people can fall for propaganda. Especially when voting in what they see as their own self interest.
If the scale would not be consistent, the results is actual worse. The whole political spectrum is moving towards the right. Traditional left wing parties here in Germany doing right wing stuff is getting normal.
And I don't see any left party in the U.K. or U.S. parliaments.
Cries in UK