I really don't know if I'm into it or not.
I was kinda surprised they started after Z yet again. And, once again, with their own canon (see the potaras or the demon ear thing). However, I actually neither liked GT nor Super so maybe the third time's the charm?
De-aging them all would be a great chance to finally shine some light on Trunks and Goten - or so I thought. Apparently, they're babies now. Bummer.
The premise kind of makes no sense at all. While Goku might be a child again, I don't think he's back at his original power level - making the whole thing kinda pointless. Otherwise, there would be some wild differences in power between the main cast (admittedly, from this perspective they had to remove Trunks and Goten but like, Buu is still there).
Do we get child Roshi? His turtle? Baba? Dr. Briefs? Poppo? King Kai? Yemma? Shenron? Where is the line drawn?
Otherwise, the animation looks great and the demon realm has potential. I'm curious where this is going, but the very next episode could create a lot of problems, depending on how they handle the de-aging.