And I wonder how many of that few only regret it because the people around them are bigots...
The Lemmy place to discuss the news and experiences of transgender people.
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From what I understand, a lot of studies go on to show that this is one of the main reasons for regret. It's not "well I wasn't actually trans" like a lot of people like to think, a lot of people de-transition simply because presenting as your AGAB is far easier in a lot of places.
Nine of 220. Not even five percent.
Doesn’t fit the conservative narrative. They will unfortunately double down.
Sure, but I like actual data and science.
Sure, but people who prefer wishful thinking to prop up an ignorant ideology prefer violence to reality.
I am sick right now and can't be arsed to look up the study I saw, but I am pretty sure it was American trans people who transitioned who were tracked. From what I remember, like 5% detransitioned, but when they dug into their reasons, the vast majority of them did so for reasons other than regret at having done so. Their reasons were social, financial, etc. Only half a percent came back and said they weren't trans. One in 200.
Thanks for that. Feel better.
The regret rate on knee replacement is higher then gender reassignment.