That’s great!
Next summer I have a bike tour planned in Belgium, and I can’t wait.
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That’s great!
Next summer I have a bike tour planned in Belgium, and I can’t wait.
Sweet! I love Belgium :) I did quite a lot of short trips in that area, it's so easy to reach for me and feels a bit "exotic*, haha. Language confusion is real in that area too, because you also have the German speaking Belgians.
This trip will be with some friends who did a similar trip there in 2023.
It’s through a small company who has some tour guides to help out with language and stuff. They had a great time on their trip so I’m really excited.
Noice, I live near in South Limburg, the Netherlands. We take weekend trips around the plateau, takes only 30 to 45 minutes to get there. We go to towns in the Ardennes and Eifel like Monschau, Simmerath, Spa, Eupen, Malmedy. We Dutch call it the “Hoge Venen”.
Yeah, sopme nice towns there too. Who makes the better fries though, the belge or the dutch :) I think that on the highest point of the Netherlands there is a belgian frituur* iirc, haha. I'm not sure, i love both.
*edit: Looking at google maps, that frituur i was thinking about is in Belgium i guess, not NL. Thought it was some kind of friet capitulation from NL side, guess not, haha.
Where ever you are in Dutch or Belgium Limburg, the fries handcut and twice fried are good. I like the Belgian mayo better. But in Aachen I know a few places that have good “pommes” (and currywurst) as well. In the south we call it a “frituur” as well, calling fries “friet”, where as in the North of Holland (boven de rivieren) they are called snackbars and they serve “patat”.
If you are ever in South Limburg again, cycling here is great, try a frietje zuurvlees and mayonaise.
Good evening to you.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing.