They’re pretty sketchy.
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Look it up.
Can you send me the source please?
Just a side-note: That ID requirement is because of the "Know-Your-Customer" thing. A helpful user pointed me to this site -> Helped me to quit Coinbase and own my own keys/coins on Electrum.
Thanks, how are the fees in bisq compared to coinbase and other centralized services?
can't tell you about Bisq. That looked complicated af ^^ I've used EXCH and for swapping 100 $ ETH to BTC the gas was 0.96 $ a few weeks ago...
They are as alright as a centralized exchange can be, getting more and more corporate tho, it’s not the same company it was 5 years ago anymore. But they’re still very close to the community, they aren’t a big fan of KYC themselves but they have to do it. If you want to avoid that better go with decentralized exchanges.