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I don't actually think it's productive to debate whether Bernie would have won or not. I can think one thing and another person can think another, and we can argue forever and it'll achieve virtually nothing. What I will absolutely assert is that, on paper, there's no reason why Bernie Sanders, a socialist Jew from the second least-populous state in the nation, should be so successful, so he must be doing something that resonates with a lot of people! He's acknowledging that people feel abandoned by the system and he's demanding that something be done about that. Demanding change has been the source of all the biggest political success stories since Barack Obama. If the DNC can't recognize the power in that, then they're never going to get anywhere.
But... he didn't win. So, this article serves no purpose.
Hey pal, nihilism is a valid response but please find a healthier space for it.
It's realism, not nihilism. Bernie never had a chance of winning because he was never, ever going to be put into a position where that was an option. Spending time on who is a better candidate makes no difference as long as 'the people' continue to vote against their own best interests. The oligarchy controls it all at this point.
Spending time on "Bernie would have won" is just mental masturbation...
If that is not nihilism, then it is unhealthy discourse.
Why is it unhealthy to be in touch with reality? If you like tilting at windmills, then be my guest. I prefer to be very sober about what is going on and what it's going to take to have actual change. Talking about whether Bernie could have won is as useful as talking about Star Trek vs. Star Wars. (Note: I think Bernie would have been an awesome president which is why I voted for him and campaigned for him.)
When I say unhealthy I am not talking about you individually but the impact on the outcome of the discourse. This particular moment isn't about proving who was right, though there is plenty of other places where that is needed, it is about integrating what we know so we can coalesce.
There are systematic reasons why Bernie (again) wasn't able become the nominee, and I believe these reasons will apply to anyone with similar views trying to become a Democrat nominee. The party doesn't want SocDems to be their leader.
I don't think that's nihilistic. But it is rejecting the electoralist approach as futile for people who want Bernie's policies in the USA. We must look at other ways, established ways of moving forward and bringing progressive change. After the past two elections, insisting that Bernie or AOC can win the nomination next time, being in denial of how the Democrat Party works, is not just unhealthy discourse but counter-progressive in practice.
Bernie resonates with the people. Just doesn't resonate with the capitalistic system and the industrial military complex.
GOP runs adds attacking moderate Democrats as far left liberals and beats them in every swing state. What the hell do people think would happen to an actual far left liberal?
Millions of leftists who somehow secretly make up the majority of the US population yet never vote like it, would suddenly appear at the polls and usher in a socialist utopia. Climate change would immediately stop. Everyone would drop windows and install Arch. Unix socks would replace stockings on the mantle this Christmas, the major broadcasting networks would replace all their content with star trek reruns, trains would sprout up like weeds replacing cars and somehow take everyone where they need to go despite how spread out much of the country is, veganism would go mainstream with people meeting each Sunday to discuss more ways to avoid meat while cows, now liberated would stop burping and start dancing in exchange for tips, every copy of mariah carey's christmas music would vanish...
You were on the right track up until Mariah Carey. You touch the queen of Christmas, now thats going too far.
So democrats should adopt even more conservative views to avoid attack ads? Maybe they should focus on what the democratic base wants rather than the opinions of people who would never vote democrat.
Would it be worse? They called a centrist prosecutor a commie bitch, maybe at least the progressives would get out and vote because they believe it might actually be true.