No windows, not even one box
Canadian conservative supremacy seems like a false presumption at this point
The ADL said it was a perfect gesture, what are you even talking about
Actually kiiind of brilliant... Obungler deported like 3 million people and nobody cared because Americans aren't actually going hungry for want of $3/hour cabbage picking jobs, they're going hungry for too few $3/hour cabbage pickers, so what people actually want is the feeling of mass deportations at normie Biden actual levels
StOp reposting this same meme
I'm glad that your faith in the party of the Cheneys brings you comfort in these dark times
I'm not going to debate religion with a zealot. Go worship your perfect party while they hand the GOP victory.
In which they threatened all viable opposition to keep them out of the primary, leading the sole entrant to be a quixotic ice cream millionaire who didn't plan to run for reelection so he didn't care about threats to end his political career from the party. You know, democracy.
Keep telling yourself that while these political geniuses lose every non-midterm election of the rest of your life, empowering the GOP for decades to come. At least they did nothing wrong and it's the voters' fault.
I love how the posthumous cancellation stuck even after nobody cared anymore and MJ The Musical won a Tony
The DNC blocked a presidential primary from happening like 8 months ago...
Wu wei is a valid mechanism for "action" let's see the contemporary DNC make a case against doing anything v their strategy of doing nothing