Southern hemisphere, renewable energy superpower...maybe?
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God it would be good to be doing something positive and proactive for once.
I'm sick of always having the option between Option A: "world leading, best practice, transformative, long term project" and Option B: "regressive, poorly planned, guaranteed to result in private profits for a few but public debt for many" and we always end up with B. So, so many B options. Always the B.
God, I hope so. So sick of being shackled to the US.
Best we can do is pimp the environment to China for about ten dollars.
Good thought, couldn't agree more with Albanese, but blasting it across the world in that fashion is maybe not advisable. Don't need to put the incoming US administration offside if we can help it.
At the same time, you never know whats going on behind closed doors, maybe the horse has already bolted for Labor with the Republicans on that one.
With that headline, I expected it to be about sucking up to Trump to invest and buy more of our coal and gas lol
I thought the same when I first saw it. Was probably written that way intentionally to garner more clicks.