Everything about privacy (the confidentiality pillar of security) -- but not restricted to infosec. Offline privacy is also relevant here. I hadn't seen it yet, glad you brought it back, can I use it in my lectures? Of course :)
Here’s a more recent one:
And there are many others; please feel free to use any of them – Thank you! I quit FB the day I saw this in 2014. Haven’t looked back since. Thank you Aral. 💕 I remember "The camera panopticon" from about that time.
Just then I had worked on a social network a couple of years before, and it was very clear to me that if you don't pay for a service, you may be a user, but you're not the client, you're the product.
> Today, six years after that patent was granted, we can that this idea has progressed:
>> Thousands of people catching trains in the #UnitedKingdom likely had their faces scanned by #Amazon software as part of widespread #AI trials, new documents reveal. The image recognition system was used to predict travelers’ age, gender, and potential emotions — with the suggestion that the data could be used in #advertising systems in the future.