Just from personal experience, FF has seemed overall much snappier than chrome for months now. I think I started to take notice last winter.
A community for discussion about Mozilla Firefox.
I use Edge for work, and it feels way snappier than Chrome has felt in years. Chrome has easily gotten so bloated and slow and most people just don't notice it.
Firefox still feels quicker than Edge, which is nice.
While google is doing shit like WEI or their crippeled MV3 version and trying to bend the web to their will ... firefox slowly keeps improving on all ends. - feels good man
Well first fully implemented addons for Firefox on Android and now this, I might just be tempted to change back to FF
Yes. Get everyone off the universe's most prolific spyware already.
Is SunSpider still relevant? Isn't it ancient?
Yeah, but seema like its still being run.
FF is my daily driver for personal use and my secondary at work - mostly used to monitor my corporate email and Teams. I'm using a client's laptop and they mandate Edge for internal use so I can keep my O365 sessions rubbing in different browsers.
My one gripe with FF is that Teams calls don't work - you can join a meeting, but try calling someone out have then call you it goes straight to voicemail...