Ah screw it!
Time to make the knights and clergy fear us again [NSFW]

Welcome to femcel memes. A place where anybody can post memes that fit the vibe.
Warning: We have a tendency to post things that may at times come from a self-deprecating perspective or things that are funny coming from another queer person. This space will always be a safe place for transfems, non-binary people, people with a feminine gender expression (GNC or otherwise) or anybody else in the LGBT Community to come together and share about our experiences but we truly feel that laughing about the sometimes silly and embarrassing parts the queer experience can help bring us together. We never mean offense or harm in anything posted but rather they are satirical takes coming from queer people.
A note about 'Egging': Our community is mostly made up of transfem individuals, and as such most memes posted will be posted with the intention of having a transfem perspective. However, regardless of gender identity, all feminine presenting individuals are welcome here. Whether that means you're NB, GNC, transmasc, or any other identity, you are welcome here. It is not our intention or goal to invalidate these identities. If something makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to report the post and I will address your concerns on an individual level. For more information regarding the problems with 'Egg-culture', please see Here.
Love Y'all and thank you for following this community
Ah screw it!
love this genre of images so much
It is okay to be small and silly. Not everyone has to choose violence. You can though if you come across knights and clergy.
I'm willing to be an attack wabbit for others :3
Better than translefts?
They respect the left less than they respect trans people. We're natural allies 😁
Dont come in France,
Each movement with trans people is well watched by the police, and a lot of them,
National threat you see... 😂
failed to load media😢, anyone else? I use Voyager btw
Same but using Eternity (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Edit: copying the link to the post and opening it in your browser worksnfor some reason
Same, also using voyager
Same here on mbin
Terrible technique. You need to place your hands outside of the danger zone of the bonker. Also the chain is a tad long, but good enough. You are much closer to the studed head than your foe so you actually need to be careful.
literally me >:3 that without the text is literally my pfp in xmpp X3