Remember when Democrats keep repeating the line in how Republicans would just make it worse so remember to vote for them?
United States | News & Politics
Already emailed my rep. Absolutely disgusting.
Both sides.
They aren't exactly the same all the time... but they do share some awful things. Wouldn't you want them to have more differences?
Just First Past the Post voting things.
Also will apparently strip medical benefits for trans children of their veteran parents, so that's cool. /s
Genocide was always the plan. It is sick how US taxpayer got fucked over here though.
When blowback happens, you know why.
From a geopolitics standpoint, the US stands to benefit from Israel curbstomping everyone in the region. And it’s juuuuuuust far enough removed from the US that they can (weakly) claim their hands are clean.
People in power are always willing to sacrifice one set of humans for another set of humans they prefer.
Fuck. This. Country.
I'm out. As soon as I am possibly able, I don't even care if I'm homeless in another country (yeah yeah I realize that isn't how it would work in terms of immigration), I'm done. Fuck this shit.
81 people who are in politics just for the power. They absolutely would have no moral conflicts to pass over to the republican party if they were kicked from democrats. Expendable, seat filler turds. Republican politicians are more consistent and honest than you.
The United States is a circus so it is no surprise their government is clowns and a freak show
sometimes i wonder if living the 3rd bluest states in this country is a good thing because all of my representatives keep voting the way i want them to and that leaves me w no one to vote out. lol