Hmm, 1,000 a week definitely isn't cutting it. I hope Ross is able to pull off another big endorsement from someone with a big audience.
Btw are you the creator of these, sunshine? if so, thank you for your efforts! These are fantastic.
[EU] Stop Killing Games:
The grassroots movement to regulate that games be left in a playable state after publisher support ceases.
(41.13%) Petition
7/7 Countries reached.
Current: 4,746 signatures weekly
Target: 22,692 signatures weekly
Safe Target: 23,038 signatures weekly
(53.47%) of the signatures will be reached at this rate.
183 days / 26 weeks / 6 months left.
Final Day: 31/7/2025.
Hmm, 1,000 a week definitely isn't cutting it. I hope Ross is able to pull off another big endorsement from someone with a big audience.
Btw are you the creator of these, sunshine? if so, thank you for your efforts! These are fantastic.
Hmm, 1,000 a week definitely isn’t cutting it. I hope Ross is able to pull off another big endorsement from someone with a big audience.
We need to reach more people. Perhaps it would be a good idea to contact Youtubers to bring more attention to the issue.
Btw are you the creator of these, sunshine? if so, thank you for your efforts! These are fantastic.
I'm not sure who makes these but I'm sharing them from the Reddit so people here can keep up with the progress.