I missed last week due to work and family commitments. I spent some time this week actually setting up a recording, storage, and filtering system for what I'm tracking, and it should reduce the amount of time it takes me to actually output stuff going forward, I it shouldn't be an issue again.
That said, last Friday saw a bunch of projects ending, as they rushed to get Print-on-Demand books out the door and in peoples' hands before Christmas. Things are a little slower this week, with only one Pathfinder-specific project of note coming or going: BattleZoo Ancestries: Titans.
Many projects are taking late pledges, though. I'm going to update things this week and try to list some of those going forward, starting next week.
New This Past Week
The D100 Encounters Collection
Ending This Upcoming Week
BattleZoo Ancestries: Year of Titans
A book focused on providing players with new character options, focused on large (and larger?) ancestries
Systems: Pathfinder 2e, D&D 5e
Start Date: 2024-11-12
End Date: 2024-12-13
Funded: true
Vendors of the Vale
30 different vendors with descriptions, backstories, plot hooks and a list of items they sell, including 240+ new items
Systems: D&D 5e (Creatures), System Neutral
Start Date: 2024-11-19
End Date: 2024-12-19
Funded: true
Fantasy World Design - Core Templates