It seems like right where the legs connect to the base is the biggest weak point, I have definitely had some take more than others, one had a 500kg impact and stick to its leg without a shield and lived, but for the most part I just spray the leg connections with the HMG until they’re on the ground, pick one connection and try to stay on it, RR to the bottom of the base is usually pretty reliable as well.
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Can confirm, I normally run around with the medium MG and that's where I aim. With armor that reduces recoil when crouched/prone I can drop em in about 1/2 to 2/3 a box pretty consistently.
Yes - and I've also noticed that the Spear is either super inconsistent against the Harvester and the Ships/facilities, or is just does very little damage.
Unrelated, but what primaries have you been running? I've tried a few of the SMGs, the base assault rifle, and the Arc shotgun. So far none feel 'good', although some definitely feel better than others.
Only been on lower difficulty but concussive liberator is decent. Gets space with the hordes and cc for the not-elites.
Brilliant! That sounds like just what I have been looking for. Can it take out a shield in one clip?
Ship shield? Yeah if you hit the orb thing. Illuminate hand shield? Not sure haven't tried.
Yes that's what I meant, thank you. Can't wait to try this tonight.
Very nice, ill definitely try that out
Arc Blitzer is great for clearing voteless but lacks against the mosquidos and overseers so I usually pack a Senator or Grenade Gun as a secondary. Grenade gun is nice as it doubles up taking out saucers on land when the shields are down.
Someone mentioned the concussive liberator and I'm excited to try that tonight. I've been wanting something fast firing with punch to throw the heavier squids off balance. If it can down a shield in one clip I think that will be my new primary.
The charge energy rifle (next to scorcher) could be good but I'm not very comfortable with it.
Running Eruptor, Purifier or similarly exploding primaries stun harvesters, you can alternate between those and non-explosive support weapons to "quickly" shredding one of the leg joints if you're not being chased by 40 betentacled voteless and flanked by 5 squidsquitoes.
😂 yeah the massive hordes have been very interesting to deal with.
Any med pen gun will take out the shield, then 3 shots to the eye with the railgun and it goes down consistently for me.
I'll give it a ...shot.
I had a lot of fun with anti-tank emplacement. Cooldown seems reasonable enough to have one when I need it. Placing them on elevated territory really give good command of an area, too.
I've killed a few with the stalwart now. You have to got then exactly I've the eye though.
After the various advice on here the stalwart has made it into my squid kit. Solid shield breaker and managed to take some harvesters down with it.
Well...I was shooting a stalwart at them when they went down anyway.
The eye is a weak point, even small arms damage and slightly stagger it with a hit.
I’ve found the gargling barage effective because it wobbles and can’t move or attack.
That gives you time to land something else against it.
gargling barrage
gargling barage
Best autocowrecked this week.
I take gatling a lot for the cooldown and utility it provides, amd it is great at staggering them.
It’s not my worst typo… but I won’t change it
I’ve been taking low cooldown strats and it’s been fun. I’m throwing 30-70 stratagems per round lately, but it definitely helps to keep the chaf in line against the Illuminate.
Yes on the toughness, which seems similar to the bile titan when its head didn't take damage.
Also, the laser from the harverster seems to sometimes be instakill and other times just a lot of damage.
Still having fun, just some frustration.
That harvester laser's damage range must be massive. Also still having fun.
Get the anti-tank emplacement and give it a whirl. I think it was made with harvesters in mind.
I'm pretty sure they intentionally scrambled the meta with the new faction and I like it. It's forcing me to try new loadouts I otherwise never would have considered.
Yeah, I play with 3 friends and we chose to go into the update blind without watching the promos or the warbond first. It was a blast figuring out what worked and didn't from scratch before checking out online discussion and seeing if we missed anything aince there are a ton of options!.