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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Schnezler on 2024-12-23 15:07:03+00:00.
You want to try a different spell? Well to 6 Link a second one you need to sell an arm and a leg.
You want to try something out and test defenses? Well you better be prepared to lose your valuable Waystone, because you only have 1 Portal.
You want to try some of the end game bosses? Well you better grind for 100 hours to find a single citadel and then grind some more currency to afford the rest only to die to a mechanic you didn't know yet, because well... surprise its your first time on the boss.
You want to try the Atlas trees? Well you better mindlessly grind Ritual to hopefully find some invitation to a boss (40 Rituals in I still haven't seen a single one) to get to a boss fight you also don't know and well I think by the time I find an invitation I am one shotting the boss. It's efficient, but I loved the early acts and the boss fights.
I know its a grinding game and I enjoyed grinding in PoE 1 a lot, but this grind just feels awful. I seriously think about just buying the points from that certain discord and at least try some endgame farming. Because the grind to get there just sucks. Why can't we get the points via completing lets say 5 Rituals in T1-5 maps, then 6-10, then 10-15 and then the last 2 points for defeating the boss. Same goes for the other mechanics.
In the end you can't try different strats. Can't test them, because well the average player is never even going to get there.