1914 is best gem.
Merry chrimbo.
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December 24, 2024
Brush: Zenith B40 28mm Boar
Blade Holder: Zomchí Premium Razor
Blade: Zomchí Superior Platinum DE (2)
Lather: Barrister and Mann - Vespers - Soap
Aftershave: Barrister and Mann - Vespers - Aftershave
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This shave was for a review that I agreed to do for the Zomchí razor. Even though I'm the last person to do a DE razor review, the bottom line is that I think this razor is a great value.
December 24, 2024
I forgot to bring along a brush to my parent's place, so this one will have to do. A thoroughly mediocre shave.
Have a good day!
Maybe Santa will bring a brush tonight?
I doubt that, but we'll see!
We had a store called Benny's when I was growing up. The type of place where you could buy fishing poles, bicycles, hardware, tools, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if they used to sell shaving brushes, but somehow I doubt it's the same brand.
Mine is Benny's of London, which adds a layer of sophistication that is otherwise not present in the brush
Oh, very fancy. Very glamorous.
I was kind of surprised that it was't Sir Benny's of London 🤣
December 24, 2024
Ah, so nice switching to this disposable compared to the one I used yesterday. Super smooth, mild, and sharp.
Dec. 24, 2024
On Christmas Eve, there are two acceptable soaps: Christmas Eve and ‘Twas The Night Before. I have Christmas Eve, so that’s what I’m going with.
This is one of my all time favorite scents. I wrote my first review about this scent. It’s incredible and I love it every time.
Merry everything!
On Christmas Eve, there are two acceptable soaps: Christmas Eve and ‘Twas The Night Before.
Not this year when Christmas Eve falls on Tabac Tuesday.
Stirling Christmas Eve ++;
Merry everything too you too and welcome back home!
I saw ViaceralWatch yesterday and he had on The Night Before aftershave. It smelled pretty strong and great, but different than mine. It's just funny that I was like "whatcha wearing?" and it's something I own and should know we'll. Maybe he has different "chemistry".
I still haven’t tried ‘TTNB. Seems nice. I considered picking it up but feel so overloaded with soap right now.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
This knot is great. A lovely Christmas Eve to all who celebrate!
Stirling Christmas Eve++;
A lovely Christmas Eve to all who celebrate!
And to you too!
Merry Christmas to you & your family too! 🎅🏻
Merry Tabac Tuesday my friends!
My wife gifted me a gorgeous butterscotch Simpson Chubby with Manchurian badger today, but this shave happened before, so it's with my travel synth. I'm excited to try it out tomorrow.
I haven't used the Tabac stick nor the WR1 Wolfie in a while, but they are just as nice as I remember and I had a wonderful Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and I hope you are all having some happy times Seth friends and/or family.