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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Vaughx on 2024-12-28 00:02:28+00:00.
With everything else going on, maybe its a minor polish note, but 200 hours in, this mod has been a regular source of frustration (while not actually being lethal, just being really annoying).
I initially needed to say the word to myself a few times to understand what it might be hinting at, but there's no visual cue here at all that the rare mob is invincible until you close distance with it.
I don't know how close I need to get. I don't even know WHAT happens if the enemy is intangible. Can I still... electrocute it? If it's tangible up close... is it... tangible from far? Aren't most things like that?
The mod needs to read with less esoteric, cryptic, abstruse wordy words. Call it "Invincible from Range". "No Hurt 'er From Further". "Get In Close to Win Most"
I should be able to identify an enemy with this mod ON SIGHT. In the game world, not in the UI. Give it a clear visual indicator as to when the enemy will be vulnerable. Make the enemy appear misty or opaque or bright white when they're invincible.
(stretch) Instead of making them INVINCIBLE from range, give it a high (80-90%, whatever) damage mitigation outside the designated range, and increasing the damage the mob takes to ... 110-120% say, once the player closes into some minimum distance. If I'm a ranged caster and you're asking me to CLOSE distance to an enemy to defeat it, that risk should come with a boon because you're asking me to violate the normal parameters of my character / play against the playstyle of my build.
I'm sure the combatants / AI designers have plenty of other things to do, but, I think this is something to maybe throw near the top of the priority list.