me at 5am debating whether 2 hours is enough or if I should just stay up all night
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Are ya ready kids?!
A little sleep is better than no sleep.
I have slept 0 minutes, and 30 minutes. And it was big fucking difference
You can always try a caffeine nap, they got me through a lot of late nights studying in college.
When you're tired and about to collapse, down a cup of coffee or an energy drink and immediately go to bed. You'll wake up in 30-60 minutes feeling... Well not quite fully refreshed, but at least awake and a lot better than you felt before.
Don't do it several nights in a row, you'll quickly hit diminishing returns and you have to pay back that sleep debt eventually; but it can absolutely get you through an all-nighter. Maybe even 2 if you push it.
When you’re so tired you’re ‘about to collapse’, what’s even the point in studying? Don’t pretend your brain was able to retain any of the words you tried to shove into it.
You'd be surprised, but those sessions are best for review, not for trying to wrap your head around new concepts.
Golly, I guess I just imagined passing all my classes and graduating. Thanks random internet person who obviously has such deep insight about my mental ability that they clearly know what does and doesn't work best for me, personally. And here I thought I was the one who knew the most about how my brain works; considering I'm the one who's been using it my whole life. Who could have known that it was some person on the internet who's never met or interacted with me that had all the right answers this whole time? What a fool I've been.
Set only one alarm. Disable snooze. Accept the consequences.
Free yourself from the sisyphean alarm wakeup.
One way or another, it'll work
Guy next to our dorm room had, no shit, 10 alarm clocks spread all over his room. That way he had to get out of bed to shut them all off. It was both hilarious and obnoxious.
Just use snooze at that point
Don’t you guys have a snooze function?
My sleepy self has learnt to unconsciously swipe the alarm to off instead of snooze.
So now I set 3 alarms. If I manage to sleep through all 3, then I probably shouldn't be going to work.