I'm definitely excited for this technology to start getting into slicers. In the meantime, I might have occasion to want so much strength in a part that I'd go to the trouble of using a script.
I currently use Cura, but I'm disgusted with Cura and looking to switch to PrusaSlicer. Cura's a great slicer, but a terrible program. I use Raspberry Pis as desktop systems frequently. Cura used to work on ARM, but doesn't any more. I'm also switching my main x86_64 box to Gentoo. It seems like they've added just tons of ridiculous libraries as dependencies to Cura that make it so hard to build Cura, the Gentoo devs have given up trying. Cura also doesn't play nice with Wayland. And it will only run on an old version of Python, which makes getting it to run on a modern system challenging. In short, the slicing isn't the problem. It's getting it installed and running on your system of choice.
So, given that I'm probably switching to PrusaSlicer soon anyway, I'll be in just the right place to start using scripts for PrusaSlicer/Orca/etc like this one. Hopefully this feature makes it into PrusaSlicer upstream soon as well.
(I do say I'm probably switching to PrusaSlicer. I don't really have a good grasp on what features I've depended on in Cura are absent in Prusaslicer. Like, does it have tree supports? Support blocking? Top surface ironing? Not that all of those things are deal breakers, but some might end up being a big deal to me. And if so, I might have to go to the trouble of wrangling building Cura or holding off on switching to Gentoo or running Cura in Docker or something. We'll see.)
Final thought: