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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/AlpsFederal4602 on 2025-01-24 12:43:34+00:00.
There's no conspiracy here. Most Gambling steamers are nothing but employees. The Colonel for example, somehow hits 50k wins 2-3 times a week, sometimes multiple times a stream. The casino rigs the games for them. He used to play with around 2k to 4k a night. Would top up maybe once or twice when he rinsed the balance. Generally would maybe make 12k a night or he would lose it all, and continue on the next night like nothing happened. Generally didn't seem upset about the lost.
And then about 8 months ago. Captain davo, a popular Australian streamer jumps on stream with him. Suspiciously he is telling the Colonel exactly which games to play. And that night they win 500,000. Colonel doesn't seem too excited and then they blow that 500,000 the next day, Colonel doesn't even seem phased about it. This was his promotion... since then he has had many large wins every couple of streams. Often winning 50k-100k on $2000 buys. Consistently, far more than any normal person would win spending the same amount of money. Recently they rigged a max win for him on fruit party
This is morally wrong imo. He is giving people false hope that they can win big. You only have to find a few of the small streamers that play with their own money, bet around $20. Yet you hardly ever see them win massive amounts. Yet colonel bets $20 a hand, and wins 50k+ every couple of days. The casinos rig the games for them
They are employees. They earn a salary, but they do not get to keep all of the money they make from slots. Hence why Colonel, a full time worker. Wins 500k the first time he teams up with Captain davo, and doesn't give a fuck when he losses that money...
Benny Thomas aka darkhorsepunting is an example of who the Colonel use to be. Plays with around 4k a night, sometimes loses it, Sometimes gets up to around 10k. And then he's back a few days later with another 4k. This is his sponsored money. They don't even deny it when you hit them up about it in chat, perhaps due to legal reasons??? They just insult you and then you get ganged up on and then banned. MattyJordan another New Zealand streamer with similar audience of Benny Thomas, plays with the same amount of money
Fake streamers, fake money, casino sponsored. The small amount of streamers that play with real money will tell you it's their money if you ask for it. The streamers with fake money like Darkhorsepunting, will insult you and not admit that it's their money. Maybe due to some legal reasons???.
Tim Naki, the most fake streamer in New Zealand. Him and the Colonel most popular. These are the streamers that have the $100,000 regularly wins won for them.