I got the poison
I have the album on my phone and it's in my regular rotation still.
20 years or so ago it used to be my "drive to work" album to really get my day going, for some reason I remember Diesel Power always coming on when I was on this one stretch of road and for some reason I couldn't tell you it just fit perfectly with that part of the drive.
Back when Quake came out and Team Fortress Classic as well you could remove the game CD and put in a music CD of your choice for an alternative soundtrack, and this was my go to. Flippin' astrology, rocket jump with Prodigy. Diesel Power is still on my workout playlist.
Up there with Dummy and Different Class in the triumvirate of British 90s music.
One of the best.
Edit: in fact I'm going to listen to it right now.
Plugging this making-of smbu:
Thank you! This is awesome!
I never knew they sampled RATM.
I was young when this came out and had no idea it was built from samples until many years later.
Thoughts of how I was gullible enough to fall for the Columbia House scheme.
Great album though.
Lol you're supposed to cancel after your 15 cd's for $1, bro
I've never heard of this before and I have not listened to it but I just really like crabs so I bet it's a good one