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The original was posted on /r/cremposting by /u/SRSandaran on 2025-01-28 00:57:01+00:00.
We know from Rhythm of War that Windrunner Plate can protect others, and from Wind and Truth (Dami the Stormwall) that Plate can be bigger than normal and (Adolin's prosthetic Plate leg) it can reshape itself.
Hear me out.
Get a bunch of 4th or 5th Ideal Windrunners to give all their Plate spren to one person, and have it all fit together to make one massive mech.
Think of the possibilities! Fistfight a Thunderclast, Pacific Rim style! Go Godzilla mode and destroy a city for fun! The limit is your imagination! ...And your access to full Windrunners.