It's a start. I really hope it comes, but seeing the recent pushback on working from home, I'm not sure how long it will take to become widespread.
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No, you'll need to fill in for all those people taking Friday's off
Okay, I’ll take the Mondays off and try can have the Fridays.
fine with me. lets do two shifts of 3 day weeks and have society run on a full six day week were everything is open.
Nobody's flocking there yet — not until y'all unFuxit. 🤌🏼
Let this be a beginning to the fight for the no work week (the end of capitalism).
Hard to find a doctor when there's none working.
I thought I had made my point clear but it seems not.
Work is a concept tied very much to capitalism at the moment. What I was going for is that it does not mean people will not continue to do work completely, merely jobs as they exist now should end. Currently people are forced into work in order to live and have to be somewhere specific at a particular time whether that is necessary or not. This needs to end.
Does that make more sense?