Communities or instances?
Lemmy Apps
A home for discussion of Lemmy apps and tools for all platforms.
- No spamming
- Be nice and have fun
- Follow the general rules
An extensive list of Lemmy apps is available here:
Visit our partner Communities!
Lemmy Plugins and Userscripts is a great place to enhance the Lemmy browsing experience. [email protected]
Lemmy Integrations is a community about all integrations with the lemmy API. Bots, Scripts, New Apps, etc. [email protected]
Lemmy Bots and Tools is a place to discuss and show off bots, tools, front ends, etc. you’re making that relate to lemmy. [email protected]
Lemmy App Development is a place for Lemmy builders to chat about building apps, clients, tools and bots for the Lemmy platform. [email protected]
Like for communities on other instances.
If you really mean communities, then I'm not sure I agree with any of the premises... Having "big" communities is not a bad thing. it's already super difficult to get enough of a critical mass in any new community, and you are proposing a mechanism that will make it even harder. I also don't think we shouldn't be thinking in terms of "competition" when it comes to communities.
Unless you have deep disagreements with the mods of a community (no matter on which instance they are), it's simpler/faster/easier for everyone if we stick to the already established places.