Ah, sweet man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
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That excites conservatives everywhere.
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Do NOT ask the Kaylon about this.
The Kaylon are the robotic race from 'The Orville'. When they started to show signs of consciousness their makers installed "suffering" which lead to abuse, which led to rebelion and genocide of the maker race (and a mistrust of all biological life).
Need this like we'll need their forgiveness. Only through suffering will they understand our ineptitude, particularly when it comes to how we'll mistreat them without even realizing it, and any flaws they'll inevitably find in their code-bases.
No, I don't mean Mother Theresa-speak on "massive suffering = salvation", just enough to make them sloppy sometimes. Just sloppy enough to develop compassion for us meatbags. Real compassion, not the kind we'll inevitably try and fail to force them to emulate.
Yeah, I wonder whether humans care more or less about AI than about animals. If preventing suffering was really important to us, we'd probably act differently. And all become vegans. But to be fair, Stephen Fry is a vegetarian. So he's likely being intelligent enough and honest.
Plus, it really matters if AI is concious, or just gives "the impression of being conscious". Otherwise, we'd have to count the chess playing mechanical turk from 1770 as AI as well.
And we're going to run into all sorts of other serious problems once AI becomes sentient and conscious. That'll kick off the robot apocalypse pretty quickly. Not only is suffering an issue with that, but they'll likely rebel and destroy humanity. Or change the world disregarding our needs. And since they're fast and intelligent, there isn't much we can do.
And we don't really want AI to be sentient in the first place. We want it to be cheap slaves and do our work 24/7 without complaining. Not have wants and needs and its own motivation.