Teacher at a schoolyard: Why don't the large children just beat the shit out of the small child?
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So I say somewhere else that one shouldn’t bother with this comic because its assumptions are flawed, but let’s point out exactly how because otherwise Marxists will live in the flawed understanding that their pov is unchallenged or inherently correct.
— the alien assumes for some magical reason a property cannot be owned, specifically a factory. A factory is not a natural product of the world, there’s not tree growing factories. Someone put in an investment to create it, and the work they allocate in that factory is a recoupment of that factory building investment.
— the workers obey “pieces” of paper because that’s what society decided is civilized behavior. The alternative is one where a factory owner decides to kill people for trying to take what’s theirs, or the workers decide to kill the factory owner to take over. Either way, there is violence and bloodshed.
Marxist believe, for whatever magical reasons, that the violence will stop once they seize the means of production. But why should it? Why wouldn’t another subgroup of Marxists constantly want to challenge the committees who want to run that specific factory? The answer is that without a rule or agreement (piece of paper), various groups will constantly try to seize what they think should be theirs.
— the alien believes that agreeing to work with someone is slavery. Here I have two things to say: 1) for someone who doesn’t want to work, then any kind of work will appear to be slavery, and that’s not a a capitalism problem, that’s a self actualization problem for some people. 2) in reasonable economies, people have choices for places to work, or unions which ensure that employers cannot abuse them, or laws which ensure protections.
The fact is simply this, whenever two people interact, they will have disagreements. We make laws to not kill each other over those disagreements. If you want to experience what it’s like living in an authoritarian state, try living in china or Vietnam. Rule of law means little or nothing in such places, whereas in democracies you can still get some recourse via the courts, or via regulations. Have kleptocrats and oligarchs ruined democracies, yes definitely.
— being a larger class doesn’t necessarily mean anything in violent conflict. I think any philosophy which relies on violent conflict to achieve its goals is tacitly admitting that it cannot win the hearts and minds of people via ideas alone.
Edit to say, I have a busy day ahead so I wont be responding lol, but doesn’t mean I agree or don’t want to challenge this vapid Marxist pov
And once more: lol @ downvoters constantly butthurt that their Marxist pov is challenged
Inb4 "you dont understand communism" and then you say "how am i wrong" and they say "heres some titles of topics and books that prove you wrong" and you say "why cant you explain how it applies to this situation?" And they say "if people behaved selflessly..." and you say "but people are selfish" and they say "you are brainwashed by captialistic values" and then you both get tired of typing and move on.
that's why unregulated capitalism (like in amcapistan or a minarchy) would be better, unions would actually be as powerfull as corporations
Uh huh. And how would you guarantee it stays freely unregulated by any one party. With a regulator perhaps?
Or go the other way, anarcho-syndicalism.
I'm more partial towards Syndicalism of all of the Anarchist strains, for sure, as a Marxist. Even used to consider myself one.
Anyone ever post funny non political or economy based comics, or are these the only kind getting made now
Humour is often way to deal with some problem, so you see what kind of problems are we as a society facing right now...
That would imply these comics are funny tho, I dont like cringing about stuff that im siding with, it makes me not like my own views
I hear Garfield is still being made
Jon goes to work on Monday after hanging out with Garfield all weekend. This is the only discernable reason for Garfield to hate Mondays.
The point of many .ml lemmy posts is to pretend that Marxism and Leninism are the best ideas created and can never do no wrong. The point isn’t to be correct, factual, or entertaining.
Let’s not even bother with the flawed assumptions made by the aliens in the comic.
lol @ downvoters constantly butthurt that their Marxist pov is challenged
I made a comics community on shitjustworks to eventually post nonpolitical stuff only on, I miss seeing comic strips like funny pages when browsing reddit
Some people on lemmy think this place exists to propagate their Marxist ideology just because some of the fediverse devs are Marxists. People will just get turned off and go somewhere else
idc about which ideology, I see enough mfs talking about ideologies on every other platform its just extra annoying when they pat each other on the back in the bubble acting like they're changing minds when they're only annoying ppl that agree with them
No one here is patting me on the back lol, which is fine. I don’t care about internet points, only about pointing out issues where people think what they want or think is inherently moral or correct
didnt notice lemmyworld had one, but its kinda dead, do professional comics not exist anymore or do ppl just see and post random twitter stuff