I gotchu fam
Warhammer 40k
A community dedicated to the universe of Warhammer 40k, a tabletop setting in the far, distant future.
This is a general community for 40k miniatures, art, lore discussion, and gameplay discussion.
- Keep it civil.
- No memeposts/shitposts. Memes are great but direct them to grimdank.
- Please mark any posts containing realistic nudity or realistic excessive gore/violence as NSFW; this rule mainly applies to cosplay and realistic drawings rather than miniatures. Being that 40k is inherently violent, this is a judgement call, and mods may occasionally request posters add tags.
- No political or social cause agenda pushing.
Helpful Links
- 10th Edition Rules
- iOS Warhammer 40k App
- Android Warhammer 40k App
- 3rd party site for running Kill Team games
Related 40K Communities:
Other tabletop hobby communities:
Perfect, thanks dude!
Looking good.
From personal experience - don’t glue the whole Skitarii together until its painted. Helps get into all those little details cleanly.
Nice work though
But painting Battleline-Units in subassemblies is just pain 🥲
Duly noted for the future, thanks!
Your phone marks photos as rotated with a flag in the metadata. Lemmy strips the metadata off to avoid exposing things like location, which unfortunately also makes it forget how the photo should be rotated
That's because you live at the equator.
It looks like you caught a fly in a cup, didn’t know what to do next, so now the cup is permanent furniture.