I'm a big fan of the occult. I've read quite a few grimoires and books of the sort, I've participated in some discussions online, whatever. That being said, I don't believe in the supernatural. Sure, there's many things we struggle to understand, but I'm a firm believer in the scientific method, rather than superstition.
That being said... I also think that there's no good reason to open an umbrella indoors. It's just one of those things, you know? You knock on wood, don't walk under a ladder, don't open an umbrella indoors, and so on. I guess I just... Go a few steps further. If someone asks me "Can I have your name?" I answer "I'll tell you, but you can't have it!" and laugh. I frame it as a little joke, but it's really not. For me, it's the same as the umbrella: I don't want to give anyone my name. I don't like telling people my name to begin with, but I refuse to give them my name.
I also hate talking about fairies and witches. I hate jinxes too. It's the kind of stuff I just don't do, because why would I? Why risk it? Even if it's impossible, why leave the door open? I don't.