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So is the title of this post accurate in saying police officers were "working with" the Nazis? The article makes it sound like the Nazis were protesting and the police cleared a way from protestors so the Nazis could leave.
With that being said, clearing the way to an elementary school seemed like a criminal act of negligence. Especially if the Nazis were armed.
If I understand correctly the order of information is The event > Local news report I posted > this posts update from the school district
Lincoln Heights is adjacent to Evendale, not Evansdale.
Also the news report is incorrect on the street name so far as I am aware. There is no "Victory Way" in Lincoln Heights, OpenStreetMaps lists the overpass as "Vision Way", but it is only an overpass and I don't think those really ever get names?
Here is the location from all the local reports I heard about the incident. Just over I-75 north of Cincinnati, between Lincoln Heights and the GE compound about a mile south of Evendale's exit.
Thanks, corrected.
Thanks for posting this, I hadn't seen it yet. Your title says 'prior' to the incident. The linked statement seems to just say they helped them get away safely and organized (and used an elementary school to do so?!) but I don't think it indicates that they helped prepare for the event or anything like that. (Although, I wouldn't be surprised if they did, it just doesn't seem like this info backs that up)
Goddammit you're right, I corrected the title again. Been a very busy morning for me. Apologies.
That overpass is relatively new (or at least recently refurbished) and is part of the new entry into the GE aviation plant on the right side of your screenshot. Notice that it leads into Aviation Way. So, as it is the entrance into the plant, it probably actually is a named overpass.
And yes, the plant and that overpass are in Evendale.