** URL now never sends user email addresses in HTTP requests.
Someone like me may want to know the background of the change, so here's the commit and the relevant discussion.
Our infinitely powerful editor.
** URL now never sends user email addresses in HTTP requests.
Someone like me may want to know the background of the change, so here's the commit and the relevant discussion.
Release party Sunday???
@4ffy any particular things of interest in 30? Any progress with the background garbage collection? More multi threading?
Emacs 30 is a more low-key release compared to heavy hitting features like native compilation in 28 and Tree-sitter in 29. Probably the headline change is replacing the libjansson based JSON parser with a homegrown one that is several times (~8x) faster, which will significantly benefit features like LSP. This will also mark the official release of the Android port, as well as the usual scattershot of improvements across the board. The NEWS file has the full changelog.
The most anticipated feature for me is the native support to install packages from vc repositories instead of just from package repos
amazing release. i've been following the master branch for a while, but i'm still excited because there's so much good stuff in this one (especially android support)
Sounds minor, but I'm excited for right aligned mode-line segments. I've been working on a minimal powerline-esque theme and this will make it soo much cleaner.