The woman was exposed to poultry in a backyard flock that tested positive for H5N1, the CDC report said, adding that she remained hospitalized at the time of the report.
A man in Mercer county, Ohio, was infected while depopulating, or killing, H5N1-positive poultry at a commercial facility, according to a statement from the Ohio department of health.
So both very likely caught it from poultry, as opposed to other people. As we see more cases, though, it's only a matter of time before it mutates and becomes capable of human-to-human transmission.
“I am very worried about H5N1 in patients that are being treated in hospitals where there are also many seasonal flu patients because this creates opportunities for reassortment, which could potentially produce a pandemic-capable H5N1,” Rasmussen said.
I hadn't even considered reassortment with the seasonal flu. Yet another thing to keep me up at night.