A desktop, really? The specs seem to be good, but desktops have well standardized form factors for ages.
They need to go towards upgradable phones, not desktops...
Discussion around the Framework mission of building products that last longer by making them upgradeable, customizable, and repairable. Consumer electronics can be better for you and for the environment.
A desktop, really? The specs seem to be good, but desktops have well standardized form factors for ages.
They need to go towards upgradable phones, not desktops...
It seems like they are in close contact with AMD and really wanted to make a product out of this chip. It couldn't fit in their laptops so they made a desktop which probably won't be for most people but I can see it being popular for AI tinkerers. The price is quite good for that purpose but the future of this product will depend on how AMD further develop this chip.
I don't think they will move to upgradable phones since with the very limited space they need to be tightly integrated. Fairphone is probably closest to that but they are sometimes critizised for being too big with too low specs and I don't think anyone else will be able to do a massively better job than they are doing.