I really hope those controllers aren't close to final - having a springy grip button that you have to hold with your finger the whole time you are holding an object in VR is gonna get real tiring compared to just having your hand gently closed around the touch sensitive surface on the index controllers. And if they don't add a back of the hand strap that lets you use the controllers with an open palm, my hands are gonna be cramping within a minute of playing beatsaber. With the index controllers, I frequently open my palms completely during songs to keep them from fatiguing.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality - Quest, PCVR, PSVR2, Pico, Mixed Reality, ect. Open discussion of all VR platforms, games, and apps.
If they don’t include the strap I am sure they will be available by a 3rd party. Toggle grip is also a thing on these types of controllers.
I guess it depends on what kind of strap it is, because a wiimote type strap is entirely different than a knuckles strap. I basically can't play beatsaber on a quest because the "strap" is more of a tether and doesn't allow you to relax your hand during play without dropping the controller. Imo a knuckles style strap should just be standard on all VR controllers.
I also find toggle grip to be super unintuitive, nothing quite beats closing your hand to grab objects and opening your hand to drop them. Hopefully there's a way to use the knuckles with this headset, because otherwise I'm probably gonna stick to the index for a little longer. Ergonomics needs to be good for something I spend many hours using, and I really think the knuckles controllers knocked it out of the park
So will Valve succeed where everyone has failed? I don't think so. The technological limitations are what they are. I think it's dumb that they don't bring out a Steam Deck 2 and a new Steam Machine. Those would be surefire hits and make them a fuckton of money. VR is just a way to burn endless amounts of money.