Wow what an athlete Tyrus is if you aren't a fan of this master of the squaredcircle you just aren't a real fake wrestling fan
SquaredCircle Backup Community!
This is the backup community for SquaredCircle on! Come discuss pro wrestling! Any company or era is welcome. (Our main community on **Please direct conversations towards our main community as it is more active and this spot is intended for 'emergency' purposes.**
You may not like it, but this is what peak wrestling looks like
Why run the ropes when you get paid the same for sauntering the ropes?
Men that size shouldn't physically be able to move like that. Truly a modern marvel!
How nice of him to show mercy on those poor ropes.
At least PN News had wrestling talent and rapping talent.
I swear this man is cousins with Bebop and Rocksteady.
100% little Bebop energy lol
Edit: Before I forget - Video working well for everyone? Any issues? New host I found via someone in ye-ol-dump. Doesn't give any real options besides uploading and getting a link (valid for 30 days), but may serve as a streamable replacement/alternate.
It did lock up my phone for a moment, but after that, it seemed to work OK
No major hiccups on my end.
Can't have peaks without valleys.
The embedded videos says “video does not exist”, but when I click on the post link it takes me to the video which does exist