Today I Learned (TIL)
You learn something new every day; what did you learn today?
/c/til is a community for any true knowledge that you would like to share, regardless of topic or of source.
Share your knowledge and experience!
- Information must be true
- Follow site rules
- No, you don't have to have literally learned the fact today
- Posts must be about something you learned is a good alternative sometimes and I'm glad it exists, but that's almost the opposite problem.
It does seem like they make an effort, their style guide starts out with "Probably the hardest part of writing a Wikipedia article on a mathematical topic, and generally any Wikipedia article, is addressing a reader's level of knowledge."
For a complex topic, what would be a better alternative?
Having a 1000000000 word article that contains all the alien language (jargon) and basic education needed to build up to the explanation?
A short, simple, and completely wrong explanation?
Thats what makes the wiki format so great. When I have no clue what a word means, it's probably blue and I can just follow the link to find out. The problem arises when I'm 20 links in and realize "yeah maybe there's a reason people have phd's in this topic".
That's why they made Simple Wikipedia.
Fuck em