I have a literal belly ache due to a stomach bug, had me up all night in pain making trips to the bathroom and i just want to sleeeep
British Problems
British Problems
Complain about problems only a Brit would understand, the weather, trains, the people on the telly...
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Had one of these for a little while. It's not fun. I'm currently deciding if I should go to A&E because, WTF? ๐ฅบ
I ended up calling 111 for mine last week. Had to take a day off of work.
Still no idea what it was.
I've been laid up for days. Get well soon!
If you think you should go to A&E then do so. At a minimum, visit a walk-in centre. You can never be too careful and something is clearly not right.
Haha. Ended up in intensive care for a week due to my issues. I'm on the mend though ๐๐พโโ๏ธ
Glad it's sorted but that sounds alarming.
The long weekend wasn't long enough, and I need another to recover from it.
This reads like it is written by an American trying really hard to pretend to be "British"
Yeah, it's almost like it's a bit or something. OP must be deranged.
So like a channel 4 "comedy"?
Awful head cold last week, one of those that buggers up the ears (could barely hear sounds below about middle C, making everything sound tinny like it was on a cheap radio).
I may have eaten the label on an apple - I wonder if they are designed to break down in the stomach or will I see it again.
Not dead yet. Or I did die but brought myself back again like the gerbil.
Have you done any sex pesting? That's the only way to know if you used your ability on yourself.
Even if I'd wanted to I haven't had the time. I'll see how things shape up tomorrow.
edit: actually, I went to the pub last night and didn't dry hump anyone (or any other kind of hp, just for the sake of clarity), so I'm probably good.
Dickgate rumbles on, although I don't think I've mentioned it. A friend sent me a photo captioned "trying for one of those hotdog leg photos" except he took it on a nudist beach, if you get my drift. Also the "dick" but is a clue.
Then, one of our mutual best friends, who happens to be gay, is put out because he didn't get sent it. I've explained that the whole point was to send it to someone who wouldn't appreciate it.
Now those two have got together for an end of Summer knees up and have been sending my naked (at least from the waist up) photos. It feels like this has got of hand. As it were.